Join in the annual festival of Maghotsava - traditional festival of Brahmos held in the month of January (Bengali month of Magh) worldwide to commemorate the consecration of the first mandir of the Brahmo Samaj in 1830. This festival is open to people of all religions and denominations. |
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To learn more about the principle of the Brahmo Samaj, ead about the liturgy of the Brahmo Samaj its evolution and learn about the prayers for different occassions. We have also provided a template that will alow you to perform religious ceremonies in the Brahmo way. As a universal religion, you can also learn about the prayers in other World Religions. |
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Learn more about the impact of the Brahmo movement which has affected India in the field of culture, society, education and music and its work for the cause of women. |
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The Sadharan Brahmo Samaj is your one stop shop for publications. The Library has a large number of books - which can now be availed On Demand at a noiminal price. Digitization is underway and we are in the process of modernization, |
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- We do not believe in idolatory or polytheism. The Trust Deed of the Brahmo Samaj mentions that no graven image statue or sculpture carving painting picture portrait or the likeness of anything shall be admitted inside.
- We worship and adore the Eternal Unsearchable and Immutab1e Being who is the Author and Preserver of the Universe, but not under or by any other name designation or title peculiarly used for and applied, to any particular being or beings by any man or set of men.
- God is the one, infinite & perfect, almighty, all - wise, all - merciful, all - holy, all - blissful, eternal and omnipotent. God is our creator, judge & saviour. God is the One alone, the Absolute,
- Our soul is eternal and eternally progressive. There is no rebirth
- We are accountable to God for the dischange of our manifold duties and shall be judged by Him for all our actions here and hereafter
- Universal Church is the repository of all ancient wisdom and the receptacle of all modern science. It recognizes the harmony in all prophets and saints, a unity in all scriptures and continuity through all dispositions.
- Brahmo Dharma rejects all that separates and divides. There is no distinction of caste, creed, race, sex or religion in the Brahmo Samaj. The Brahmo Samaj is a meeting place of people of all denominations for the worship of the Eternal Unsearchable and Immutab1e Being who is the Author and Preserver of the Universe.
- We do not believe in dogmas or superstitions.
- We believe in searching with an open mind using truth, knowledge and reason in our quest.
- We believe in secularism and oppose secterianism
- We honour the scriptures, prophets and saints of all religions so far as they reflect the wisdom, devotion and piety of of inspired geniuses. No person or object is worshipped as God.
The phrase Brahmo Samaj literally means the society of the worshippers of the One True God. The movement was started by Raja Rammohun Roy and his friends by opening a place for public worship on the Chitpore Road in Calcutta on 20th August 1828, and the first Brahma Mandir was publicly inaugurated on 23rd January 1830 by the consecration of the first house of prayer, now known as the Adi Brahmo Samaj.
The Brahmo Samaj movement played a great part in the social upliftment of the country. Its message spread amongst the educated young men and they worked with a zeal for the upliftment of the country. Later many played an important part in the freedom struggle and in the building of this nation. Brahmos were particularly influential in the field of Social Reforms, Literature, Education, Nationalism, Law etc. |
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Anyone can become a Brahmo provided you are willing to adhere to the principles of the Brahmo Dharma. If you are intersted to follow the Brahmo Dharma and become a Brahmo - you are requested to go through the Belief and Principles given above. You must strictly adhere to its principles of the Brahmo Samaj. You are advised to go through the Brahmo Dharma and the Creed that is the essence of this religion. First and foremost - you must acknowldge God, the One alone, the Absolute. He has no form or incarnation.
You can get in touch with a chapter of the Brahmo Samaj in your locality. If you are UK or Europe based you can contact the London Brahmo Samaj, and in US there are fellow followers who will be happy to help you. Sadharan Brahmo Samaj has a defined process of initiation or Diksha. Please get in touch with the Samaj and they will be happy to guide you to a chapter near you. |
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Sadharan Brahmo Samaj has published a commemorative volume on the occassion of the 250th birth anniversary of Raja Rammohun Roy. This bilingual collectors edition is an admixture of scholarly discourses by researchers on Rammohun both from past and present.
Available at the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj plus other online retailers. |

According to Miss Collet's Brahmo Year Book there were 107 Samajes in 1877 which becanme 233 in 1892. Brahmo Samajes were setup acorss the length and breadth of undivided India from Lahore to Bangladesh, Burma and Ceylon. In 1911 the number came down to 182. Lack of congregation the numbers slowly declined. Click on the link below to find the active Samajes by location.
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The 250th birth anniversary of Raja Rammohun Roy has been celebrated across the lenth and beadth of the country. There were a host of online and offline events which were undertaken to celebrate the birth anniversary of the Father of Modern India. Several organizations, almost all the Brahmo Samajes in this country celebrated this event in a beffitting manner. Musical convcerts brought out the essence of his songs and shed light on his quest for a musical universe. There were also a lot of publications and seminars which brought out the fact that Rammohun is still relevant in today's India even after 250 years of his birth. |
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The Radhanagar Raja Rammohun Roy Smriti Raksha Samity has erected a replica of the mausoleum of Raja Rammohun Roy near his birthplace at Radhanagar. The unveling of the plaque was done Sri Arindam Neogi, SDO of Arambagh. The memorial soil for this occasion was brought from Bristol by Sri Anup Kumar Roy, one of the branch descendants of Rammohun Roy, resident of Kaiba village. Incidentally Mr. Roy also carried the soil from Radhanagore and sprinkled it near the mausoleum in Arnos Vale.
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Rev. Peronne Boddaert a minister of the Remonstrant Brotherhood of Netherlands and an IARF and board member of the Dutch Interfaith Council gives her views on the Signficance of Interfaith Dialogue and her personal motive on Interfaith activities. As a liberal religion they would like to reach out to all like minded communities throughout the world.
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Rev. Kate Dean the Minister of Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel shares her sermon to the Oxford Unitarians on 30th April 2017 where she talks abbout the Brahmo Samaj, liberal Hinduism and its links to Unitarianism. |
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Garbo Garnham - the great grand-daughter of Keshub Chunder Sen, writes about her Brahmo roots and the experiences of being born and reared in the UK. A product of two such strong cultures gives her an extra insight into Brahmoism. |
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Fr. George Thadathil sdb - Principal, Salesian College, Sonada-Siliguri talks about the manner in which Rammohun encountered Christianity, and as to where we are today positioned as Brahmo's and Christians in India. |
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This concise and beautifully illustrated book by David Wilson tells the story of the most mportant sculpted portrait of Raja Rammohun Roy. An exceptionally rare and important ivory bust of Rammohun was carved in London in 1832 by Benjamin Cheverton. |
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The noted human rights activist and crusader for social justice Dr. Binayak Sen - a Brahmo by birth, met the members of the Brahmo Sammilan Samaj on 10th July 2011. In an interactive session Dr. Sen spelled out his views on social equality and his work with the poor in Chattisgarh. |
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